Idaho Notice Comment Period Open CAFO NPDES

Idaho Notice - EPA Opens Second Comment Period - NPDES for CAFOs

Public Notice: Proposed Modification to NPDES General Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations in Idaho

The Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, is initiating a second public comment period for the modified National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) located in the State of Idaho (Permit No. IDG010000).

For this comment period, EPA is accepting comments exclusively on changes made to the General Permit since the previous comment period.

***Comments will be accepted through July 8, 2024.***

The draft NPDES general permit (with new/changed conditions highlighted in yellow) and the supporting fact sheet addendum, which explains the basis for the new/changed conditions, are available for review HERE

EPA will consider all comments received during the previous public comment period from July 18 to September 1, 2023, and during this comment period before issuing the General Permit modification.

Please pass this announcement to others who may be interested.

Questions? Contact Nicholas Peak, EPA Region 10, at 208-378-5765 or


Our AGPROfessionals team will be submitting a comment and will post the information once it is complete