A “truth in advertising" proposal requiring descriptive labels on all alt-meat product packaging has been introduced in the Missouri House of Representatives.
Representative Dean Van Schoiack, a Savannah Republican, prefiled HB 211, which would require labels to be included on plant-based meat products, fungus-based meat products and cultivated meat products sold in the state.
If enacted, the bill would revise Section 265.492 of the state’s Title XVII statutes. The current text reads: “No person shall advertise for sale, solicit, offer to sell or sell foods by newspapers, handbills, placards, radio, television or other media unless the advertising is truthful and accurate. Such advertising shall not be misleading or deceiving in respect to grade, quality, quantity or price per pound or piece or in any other manner.”
Van Schoiack’s bill would add the following language: “Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, all plant-based meat alternative products or fungus-based meat alternative products shall be conspicuously labeled as such. All laboratory-grown meat and meat products shall be labeled as such. Meat and meat products made of meat harvested directly from livestock or poultry shall not require any specific labeling.”
The bill does not explain what labels, specifically, the alt-meat products would have to bear. The measure must still be approved by the Missouri House and Senate and signed by the governor before it becomes law.