Oregon Petition 3 Threatens Agriculture

Oregon 3 Threatens Agriculture

Oregon Petition 3 Threatens Agriculture

Petition 3 (IP 3) is a ballot initiative currently collecting petition signatures in Oregon. Its language is similar to Colorado Initiative 16, but with much greater restrictions. If IP3 makes it on the ballot in Oregon, it will misrepresent and harm animal owners and set a precedent for other states. This will be harmful to pet owners and agriculturalists across America.

Misleading Summary

Like with most of the ballot initiatives by animal rights groups, the summary of IP 3 leads the people of Oregon to believe that they are supporting animal welfare by signing a petition in favor of this ballot initiative. This common tactic is used with ballot initiatives to mislead and sway voters.

Looking Past the Summary

A look beyond the surface of the petition shows that IP 3 is a way to implement an animal rights agenda and to remove animal protein products like beef, chicken, pork, and dairy, as well as fish and game meats, from the diet of the citizens of Oregon. IP3 will charge livestock producers, veterinarians, and even pet owners with felonies and misdemeanors for performing practices well within humane industry standards.

According to the website “No on IP3,” if passed into law, it would “criminalize” recreational activity and food production: Oregon already has strong laws prohibiting animal abuse. IP 3 significantly expands those laws by criminalizing the following activities that involve the killing of animals:

  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Food Production
  • Pest Control

IP 3 would also ban breeding of any kind, including:

  • Domestic animal breeding
  • Horse breeding
  • Livestock breeding

IP 3’s definitions of “abuse” and “assault” also include tying animals up, standard veterinary procedures, and not providing the Petition’s definition of shelter.

It also states animals the Petition deems “abused” or “assaulted” can be taken away with very little proof or investigation. In addition to immediate removal, owners may lose the right to own animals.

Making IP 3 Law

To make IP 3 a law in Oregon, petitioners must obtain 1000 signatures before sending it to the Oregon State Attorney General. This has already been accomplished and the petition has now been given an official title. The next step is to obtain 100,000 signatures in support of the initiative for the 2024 ballot. If the petition makes it onto the ballot, it is up to the citizens of Oregon to vote it into law or defeat it. Currently, the group behind IP3 has received funding to pay for staff members to collect signatures.

Colorado Initiative 16

IP 3 is not the first of its kind. In Colorado, there was a similar initiative called Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation (PAUSE), or Initiative 16. If it had made it to the ballot,

Colorado Initiative 16 would have banned artificial insemination, pregnancy checks, and semen collection. All of which are common and widely accepted animal husbandry practices. In addition, an article published by the advocacy group Protect The Harvest reported Initiative 16 would also impact the availability of commonly used animal byproducts.

Thankfully, Colorado Initiative 16 was thrown out due to a technicality. In the future, we may not be as fortunate. Because it could set a dangerous precedent and groups in other states and cities are pushing similar language, opposing IP 3 in Oregon and other similar petitions is imperative.

Denver Ballot Initiative

Like Oregon IP 3 and Colorado Initiative 16, a new Denver Ballot Initiative is another step towards a world without animal agriculture. According to a press release in The Fence Post, the Initiative in Denver is titled “Prohibition of Slaughterhouses,” and it aims to do exactly that. If passed, it would affect an “all-out ban of processing facilities.” This means it would make it illegal to operate current facilities and prohibit the maintenance of existing facilities or the building of new ones.

In Colorado, processing facilities are used by farmers and ranchers in and out of the state. According to a Colorado Department of Agriculture brochure, within Colorado alone, agriculture contributes $47 billion annually to the economy and employs roughly 195,000 people.

This shows that the abolishment of slaughterhouses in Colorado, or anywhere else, would do nothing but harm local and state economies.

What You Can Do

The two most important things opposers can do to help stop Oregon Petition 3 are staying informed and speaking up. For those who live in Oregon, if IP 3 does make it to the ballot, it is critical to know when it is time to step in and vote NO to IP 3.

We also encourage you to look up the website titled “NO to IP 3” linked below. The website provides additional information and sample letters and forms which can be used to communicate opposition to IP3.

We must come together to stop Petition 3 for the greater good of agriculture, now and in the future. IP 3 must be halted so it doesn’t open the floodgates to boost other similar ballot initiatives.


Protect the Harvest on IP 3 : HERE

American Kennel Club on IP 3: HERE

Protect the Harvest Colorado on Initiative 16: HERE

Link to Website: No No on Oregon IP3: HERE

Colorado Department of Agriculture: HERE

Denver Ballot Initiative: HERE HERE HERE